3rd Annual ARIA Meet & Greet at Rhode Island Comic Con!
The Association of Rhode Island Authors is pleased to announce a contingent of science fiction, fantasy and horror writers will be attending Rhode Island Comic-Con on November 2nd, 3rd & 4th 2018 at the Rhode Island Convention Center as well as having a writer’s panel on 11/3/18.
Their tables will be:
Artist Alley 544: Christopher Paniccia
Artist Alley 339: Tim Jones
Table 811: Bolivar Beato & Emily Tallman
Table 813: Keith Carreiro & R. J. Castiglione
Table 910: Russ Chevalier & John Raposa
Table 912: D. R. Perry& Angelina Singer
Table 914: Association of Rhode Island Authors – Anthology Books
Table 916: J. Michael Squatrito, Jr.& Tabitha Lord
Table 918: R. K. Bentley & Christa Carmen
A map of the Convention Center Floor layout with table highlights is below.
Our Facebook Event Page can be found here.

Exploring Real World Conflicts in Otherworldly Settings: The Intersection of Storytelling and Morality in Science Fiction
11/3/18 12:15pm – 1pm Fan Panel Room B
Writers don’t work in a vacuum. Fiction, especially science fiction, offers an opportunity to explore real world conflicts and moral dilemmas from the safety and distance of another time or place. Are writers obligated to address the pressing issues of our time through our work? How does the news cycle impact our storytelling? What interesting questions are science fiction writers exploring today, either in writing or on the screen? Join us for this thought provoking and timely conversation.
Moderated by Tabitha Lord with panelists R. K. Bentley, Christopher Paniccia, D. R. Perry and J. Michael Squatrito, Jr.

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