Tag Archives: Events

Authors at Rhode Island Comic Con

The Association of Rhode Island Authors will have several tables at the Rhode Island Comic Con on November 11-13, 2016 at the Providence Convention Center.


We will be at the following tables: 931, 933, 935, 937, 939, Artist Alley Table 731 as well as 12G and 15G.

The following authors will also be selling their books during the convention:


Christopher Paniccia  – Table 12G

Lisa Jacob – Table 15G

Tim Jones – Artis Alley Table 731

Scott Williams Simmons – Artist Alley Table 433

Authors at tables 931, 933, 935, 937, 939

Sean Fay Wolf

Mike Squatrito

Joseph Mazzenga

Heather Rigney

Joshua Blum

Errick Nunnally

D. R. Perry

L. L. Craft

Tabitha Lord

Peter Larrivee and more!

fb-banner-01Remember to RSVP for the event on Facebook!
