In Room 552 - A book is like a cookie. When it’s good, you want another. Don't let the people down. Write more than one book! However, to avoid a mental breakdown later, you’ll need to do some planning. Let’s talk about how to lay a foundation for a long journey that’s free of plot
In Room 552 - George Lucas, J. R. R. Tolkien, J. K. Rowling--what did they all have in common besides blockbuster stories? An understanding of the Hero’s Journey. In this panel, we will breakdown the ins and outs of this classic plot structure, unlock various archetypes, and discover how you can shake things up when
For many authors, indie publishing is a business decision, and an exciting one at that. As an independent author, you will be responsible for your story content, your brand and platform, and your marketing and sales. Let's talk about what makes a successful indie, what publishing platforms are available today, and where you should begin.
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