Dr. Edna Michelle Attias

Experiencing and seeing the opportunity gaps prevalent across many schools and districts, Dr. Attias’s mission crystallized to bring rigorous and equitable educational opportunities for every student, teacher, and administrator.

In the last 18 years, she served in various roles, including a K-12 school principal, curriculum coordinator, teacher, national facilitator of restorative practices, leadership coach, advisor at an aspiring principal residency program, a leader for Equity Audits, and program director for a non-profit.

Her work incorporated her integrated expertise in constructivist-based pedagogy, social-emotional learning, leadership development, and culturally-conscious practices, resulting in improved outcomes for all students, particularly marginalized populations.

Dr. Attias obtained her bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Concordia University in Montreal, Canada, two master’s degrees in Psychology and Education from Brown University, and a doctorate at Northeastern University in Educational Leadership. Her two children attend colleges in California, the “kid-snatcher state,” and she resides in Rhode Island with her extremely naughty and adorable puppy, Nolah.